Enrolment of Members |
- Form 2 to be submitted duly filled in and signed
- Enrolment without COP fees to be remitted - ₹3500
- Enrolment with COP fees to be remitted - ₹6500
- For CABF life membership- Pl add ₹5000/- to the above
- Proof of age, Degree certificate and final pass mark sheets duly attested to be enclosed
Grant of COP |
- Form No.6 duly filled and signed by the member
- Fees to be remitted ₹3000 (for ACA) and ₹4000 (For FCA)
- Ensure no conflicting information is mentioned.
- If continuous COP for 5 Years : Form 3 and 6 along with relevant fee ₹ 9500
- if the membership fee and cop has not been paid at the time of application:
- If membership fee and cop fee is already paid then ₹ 5000.
If FCA eligibility is based on Employment
- Form 3 and self-declaration form along with
- ₹5500 if the membership fee has not been paid at the time of application
- ₹4000 (If membership fee is already paid)
Cancellation of Certificate |
- Request should be received in writing mentioning the exact date of cancellation within 30 days of such cancellation.
- If a member wants to cancel the COP on or after 2nd April, COP fee together with membership fee has to be remitted for the relevant financial year.
- In case the member wants to cancel his COP on or before 1st April, the request should reach this office within 30 days but no COP fee is required to be paid.
- The original script of COP should be returned along with the request.
Restoration of cop with Retrospective effect
Form 101 to be submitted on or before 31st March of the relevant Financial Year
with a sum of ₹ 3000/(ACA)-or ₹ 4000/-(FCA)
Removel of Name Due to Own Request |
- Request should be received in writing duly signed.
- Membership fee should be remitted for the relevant year.
Removal of Name Due to Death |
- Death certificate of the deceased member.
- Intimation from the partner(s) of the Firm.
Restoration of Membership
- Form 9 duly filled in and signed together with requisite annual membership fees, restoration fee* and the membership fee for year in which the name was removed.
Restoration fee is as follows:
- If restoration is within 3 years of removal- 1200/-
- If restoration is after 3 years but within 5 years of removal-₹ 3000/-
- If restoration is after 5 years of removal-₹ 4000/-
- In case wish to apply for COP, further sum of
₹3000/(ACA)- or ₹4000/-(FCA) and form 101 or form 6 as the case may be
Change in Name
- Request should be received duly signed by the member.
- Gazette Notification to be sent
- Attested true copy of the affidavit duly sworn in before a First Class Magistrate/
- Notary Public as the case may be (in case there is no official State Gazette)
along with the original copy of advertisement in a leading Newspaper.
- In case of female member –Name change due to marriage- marriage invitation
in original and/or attested true copy of the marriage registration certificate to be sent.
Additional Qualification |
Request should be received from the member along with the attested true copy of Degree certificate / membership certificate of the professional Institutes. |
Paid Assistants
Paid assistant joining/leaving confirmation should be received from the member concerned as well as confirmation from the firm within 30 days of joining/leaving.
- If not condonation fee applicable depending on the period of delay.
Change of Address
- Letter intimating the change in address should be duly signed by the member
- In case the member is incharge of a firm- Member has to inform that the address of the firm/branch in which he is in-charge has also been changed.